CHANDIGARH: The Special Investigating Team (SIT) of Punjab Police today morning raided the residence of former DGP Sumedh Singh Saini in Sector 20 here but he was not available at his residence. The SIT has also raided his possible hideouts in New Delhi.
According to reports Saini was not availble at his residence. Police wanted to arrest him in connection with case of murder and kidnapping registered against him related to disappearance of Balwant Singh Multani in 1990. At theat time Saini was SSP of Chandigarh and he picked Multani from his Mohali residence suspecting him behind a bomb attack on him(Saini).
A Mohali court had last week allowed SIT to add section 302 of IPC in the FIR registered against Saini on the orders of Court. The court had stayed his arrest till August 27.