Ludhiana, December 06: Jagtar Singh Johal sent to 5-day police remand by a local court on Wednesday in Hindu leader Amit Sharma’s murder case. In a separate case, the court extended Taljit Singh Jimmy’s police remand for one more day in Kidwai Nagar firing case. The court of Duty Magistrate Indu Bala ordered the police remand for Jagtar Singh Johal on the application moved by SHO, Police Station, Division 8, Ludhiana.
Earlier this year in January Amit Sharma was gunned down near Durga Mata Mandir, Ludhiana. Johal’s earlier police remand in Kidwai Nagal RSS shakha firing case expired on Wednesday and he was ordered to be sent to judicial custody. This is fourth case in which Johal has been named. He is facing charges in cases of arms recovery in Baghapurana, killing of Ludhiana’s Pastor and firing at RSS shakha in Ludhiana’s Kidwai Nagar area.