Jalandhar(Parteek Singh): Ahead of Municipal Corporation elections political parties has started to plan their strategies, round of meetings has been started among BJP and Congress in the city. The meeting of the Punjab BJP Core Committee on corporation elections will be held on December 1 at Chandigarh. The schedule will be decided for submission of ticket applications. The meeting of BJP and Akali Dal is on November 30 to discuss about the MC polls.
The BJP’s attitude is sharp and controversy over seat sharing can be increased. The BJP leaders who contest the elections from West, North and Central are not looking happy with district president Ramesh Sharma’s 80-20 formula. BJP leaders have promised tickets to their near ones but the party’s stand may be different. Ramesh Sharma wants to give only 20 percent seats to the Akali Dal, which poses a threat to allaince.
On the other side, answering about the threat to allaince, Akali leader Ajit Singh Kohar said that what ever BJP leaders or workers continue to demand at the ground level, but the SAD-BJP alliance will continue and high command is to take the decision. If there is any resentment then it will be removed in the joint meetings of SAD-BJP.
Congress has started giving forms for submission of applications for tickets of MC polls on Wednesday. Application forms from Chandigarh reached Jalandhar on Tuesday. Congress will not charge any fees for the application. About 1000 forms issued for 80 wards. The applicant must also tell that he has been associated with the party since then. If he ever left the party, why did he leave it and why did he come back again? The person seeking the ticket will also have to tell whether there is any criminal case registered against him or not. If the case is registered, then it has to be fully informed.