Jalandhar, 3 September(Wishav Warta): Deputy Commissioner Jalandhar Varinder Kumar Sharma today cautioned the people to beware of unscrupulous elements or agents that were trying to fleece them on the name of filling forms for Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) to claim cash incentive of Rs. 2.00 lakh provided to girls.
Divulging the details, the Deputy Commissioner said that no money transfers to individuals were possible in this scheme so people must not fell prey to these fraudsters who dupe them by showing them green pastures. He said that Social Security, Women and Child Development Department Punjab has already clearly specified that the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme has no provision for individual cash component and it was not a DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) scheme. However, Sharma said that there were some media reports that some individuals/ organizations were selling fake forms for the registration of beneficiaries to claim cash incentive of Rs. 2.00 lakh provided to girls under ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme’ in some parts of state due to which the innocent people should remain vigilant.
The Deputy Commissioner said that stern action would be taken against such fraudulent agents who were duping the innocent people by collecting money from them under the garb of this scheme. Sharma urged the people that if they find anyone selling the form , the matter must immediately be brought to the notice of district administration and department’s official so that appropriate action could be taken against such anti social elements. He categorically said that these fraudsters would be dealt with a heavy hand and stringent punishment would be ensured to them. Soliciting fulsome support and cooperation from the general public, Sharma said these types of anti-social elements could be nabbed only with proactive support of people.